yendo al pycamp
pycamp trabajando
recreo en el pycamp
Participation on Pycamp
On March 23rd to 26th we participated on another Pycamp

Every year, we encourage members of gcoop for participating on PyCamp. Since the beginning of our cooperative, we work on Python, and we have a close relationship with the community in Python Argentina.

On 2023, PyCamp took place in Corrientes, and once again we went together with members of Cambá and Devecoop, cooperatives participating in FACTTIC. The event allows experimentation, making projects and sharing experiences on working with Python. As usual, me made new friends and built lots of enthusiasm for keep coding on Python. 

All our projects involving automation, (ansible), integration and our jobs in Tryton, always have Python as their foundation and ally.






We think it's crucial to participate not only in commercial events, but being an active part of the community that builds and works with the technologies as well.